Golden Lava Flow Faturan
One of the rarest and sought after Faturan Types is called Golden Lava Flow Faturan, not to be confused with guanine crystals that give a glitter and shine in some Celluloid products. Bulgarian Catalin has also been given the name Lava Flow Catalin due to its similar pattern however it is nothing more than a cheap Catalin mix that has neither the Gold or properties of Faturan. Golden Lava Flow Faturan is a very rare mixture that involved a complicated and costly method of preparing a combination of melted gold and infusing it with Faturan. As the Gold is in a liquid Molten form when combined with Faturan it gives a almost Lava Magma look, hence the name. The infusing of Golden Lava Flow into Faturan however as stated is very complicated and is not always successful. If either the Gold or Faturan is not at the right temperature when fusing than it may result in the gold having a burnt look or the Faturan being cracked from the sheer heat of the molten gold.
Golden Lava Flow Faturan slab and Walking stick handle